Message from the Director General
Focus 2024
Every student deserves a quality education with opportunities to achieve and progress to the best of their abilities. We owe it to our students to provide access to high quality teaching with the right learning supports in environments where they feel safe and can learn.
That’s why our commitment to Every student, every classroom, every day, prioritises quality teaching and learning, student and staff health and wellbeing, attraction and retention of quality staff, supporting students with a disability and supporting Aboriginal students achieving as Aboriginal people.
Our Focus 2024 priorities aim to embed the key elements and practices of our Quality Teaching Strategy. This strategy helps to build a shared understanding of what good teaching looks like, and consistency of delivery, to ensure every student benefits from what happens in our classrooms.
Strategic Directions 2020 - 2024
Every Student, every classroom, every day
The Western Australian public school system is a major contributor to the State’s prosperity and growth as a
fair society promoting the wellbeing and participation of all its citizens.
Building on Strength
Message from the Director General
This statement explains the thinking and rationale behind the commitments made in our 2020–2024 strategic directions. It does not foreshadow a radical departure from the direction and strategies staff will already be familiar with and which have been successfully implemented in recent years. Rather, it describes how we can build on the strong position already established by the excellent work of school staff across the State.